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Start Your ITIN Application

Start Your EIN Application


A non U.S Citizen and a non U.S resident can apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) without an ITIN or a SSN. An EIN is a business tax ID number. An EIN is used for:

  1. Opening a business bank account in the United States of America (U.S)
  2. Hiring employees in the U.S
  3. Staying compliant with IRS withholding rules in the U.S
  4. Opening an amazon, Paypal or stripe payment account

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for ITIN

You do not need to be a US citizen or have an ITIN or SSN  to get an EIN



No, you do not need a US address to get an EIN


Yes, if you can contact the IRS by yourself, complete the complication forms required and have 6 weeks understanding the requirements

Yes, if you don’t get your EIN, you get 100% of your money back

Yes, all banks in the US require and EIN to open a business bank account

No documents if you for a sole proprietorship as an individual. f you are forming an LLC or a corporation, you need to provide a copy of your Articles of Organization  (LLC) OR Articles of Incorporation (Corporation)

Open a US bank account, PayPal account, stripe account, file taxes, hire employees/contractors

The IRS will send your EIN to your Us or Non-US mailing address

Start Your ITIN Application

Start Your EIN Application