A non U.S Citizen and a non U.S resident can apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) without an ITIN or a SSN. An EIN is a business tax ID number. An EIN is used for:
- Opening a business bank account in the United States of America (U.S)
- Hiring employees in the U.S
- Staying compliant with IRS withholding rules in the U.S
- Opening an amazon, Paypal or stripe payment account
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for ITIN
You do not need to be a US citizen or have an ITIN or SSN to get an EIN
No, you do not need a US address to get an EIN
Yes, if you can contact the IRS by yourself, complete the complication forms required and have 6 weeks understanding the requirements
Yes, if you don’t get your EIN, you get 100% of your money back
Yes, all banks in the US require and EIN to open a business bank account
1-2 weeks
No documents if you for a sole proprietorship as an individual. f you are forming an LLC or a corporation, you need to provide a copy of your Articles of Organization (LLC) OR Articles of Incorporation (Corporation)
Open a US bank account, PayPal account, stripe account, file taxes, hire employees/contractors
The IRS will send your EIN to your Us or Non-US mailing address